As part of the ongoing research in the Egyptian Eastern Desert, Project A1 has welcomed Dr. Mohamed Youssef for a two-month guest research stay in November and December 2015. Dr. Youssef is a Postdoctoral Researcher at the Desert Research Centre in Egypt, with specific focus on hydrogeology and water resources.
The palaeohydrology of the Eastern Desert is crucial for the understanding of human behaviour, especially in the area of Gebel Duwi, where the Middle Stone Age site of Sodmein Cave is located. Therefore, Dr. Youssef’s regional and thematic expertise helps us to provide some new ideas of how the drainage system and groundwater aquifers were developed throughout the geologic history. The combination of remote sensing data and GIS, groundwater samples and the integration of geophysical data enables us to understand the history of water but also give some advices for future groundwater exploration.
We thank Dr. Youssef for his work and are looking forward to the joint publication, which will be submitted soon. It was a very vital collaboration and shows, how the project can benefit from the opportunity to invite experts for specific topics with regards to our ongoing research.


A1 Henselowsky Fig 1 lhk 250px 2016 01
Three-dimensional overview (LANDSAT 8 + SRTM-1) of Gebel Duwi and its surroundings, including major drainage lines.
Figure: CRC 806, Project A1



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